My site onwy featuwes some of what I've got out thewe at the moment. If you'we mowe into weading, you can find the west of it on Somnowescent's Gophew sewvew. We'we wunning on my spawe MacOS home sewvew using Bucktooth 0.2.9.
To sum up Gophew, it's a weawwy efficient text-onwy Web awtewnative fwom the vewy eawwy 90s. You buiwd Gophew menus instead of web pages (pwacticawwy just wwiting out text fiwes), and it's supew simpwe to get up to speed with and pwetty satisfying to bwowse. Owd computews wove it.
Accessing Gophew
The best way to access Gophew is thwough a dedicated cwient, wike a web bwowsew. I'm pawtiaw to Wynx, though it's a bitch to get wowking on Windows (and fuck Cygwin). Wynxwet on Mac is nice, though, and I'm wooking to twy Camino at some point too.
If you'we wazy, Camewon Kaiser's Fwoodgap pwoxy won't do you wwong, though aww his weiwd ominous wawnings about tewms of sewvice and wogging make me vaguewy newvous.