The Cavy Castle

The Cavy Castle is dedicated to all things guinea pig! But mainly just my guinea pigs, who are the loveliest creatures in the world!!

The light of my life, the twinkle in my eye, the life to my blood! It is them!

Murdoch Poirot Bergerac
She is a tricolor teddy mix with tufty fur! So floofly!!!
Murdoch is the most clever out of the three, and loves a good puzzle. She is protective of her sister and understands her disabilities!!! She is super cuddly and will sometimes let me pick her up without panicking!! SHE IS SO CUTE I LOVE HER!!! She eats most anything but is not as greedy chops as Poirot. She likes to nap on the top bunk of their bunk bed! She popcorns a lot and likes to run around in the lounge!! She has very soft fur (but not as soft as Bergerac's!) and it is very thick! She looks as chubby as Poirot but it is mostly fur! She is 200g lighter than Poirot!
She is a tricolor teddy mix with curly wurly whiskers!!!
Poirot is my baby.Although she is a baby, she is the largest, at 1300kg! She is all chub and no muscle, because she loves to eat and lie down. Even when she has loads of space and toys she still just goes to sleep! She popcorns a bit but then she goes to sleep and have a nap! She loves food so much, she will eat everything you put in her cage! She and Murdoch are siblings! And they are like twins and sometimes do things in sync! :D She is also super duper cuddly!!!
She is a tricolor shorthair with the silkiest fur ever! All of her markings end on her neck, her body is completely white!
Also knows as Burger, Burger Bun, Burger Van and Pretty Princess Death Machine, Bergerac is one hell of a character. She is what you would describe as "dramatic" and "violent" when in the company of other guinea pigs, but is the definition of a little angel when she is with people! She loves cuddles, but she'd never admit it! She is also a fussy eater, and only eats cucumber, coriander, grass and spinach without complaining. Everything else is come and go. Sometimes, she will eat romaine lettuce and peppers. But only sometimes!

50 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Make Great Pets

  1. They have soft fur good for petting
  2. They can be very friendly and docile and like cuddles
  3. Will squeak a bunch and talk to you!!
  4. Unlike other rodents, are not bony! Squishy
  5. Ears can be floppy or stick up! Even can be heart-shaped
  6. Eat vegetables, vegan pets! No meat here no siree
  7. Easy to know how they are feeling because a noise for every emotion
  8. Can have long hair, short hair, mid-length hair, fuzzy hair, smooth hair, curly hair, wavy hair or even be bald! Every pig is unique
  9. If you lift their head up so that you can only see their nose and mouth and not their eyes, and then imagine that their nostrils are their eyes, they look like a little monkey
  10. Tiny hands
  11. Love you forever if you give them food
  12. Will lick your tears away (because salt)
  13. Yell at the crinkly bag
  14. Like to explore
  15. Will eat cardboard
  16. Don't make their own burrows so will like any house you give them (unlike hamsters)
  17. If you eat the banana, they'll eat the peel
  18. Teeny leggos
  19. All have their own personalities, each new guinea pig is a new and unique friend
  20. If you give them a human name it's funny but also fitting (Gavin, Steve, Jeff, etc..)
  21. Don't like the same veg that I do, so together we finish all of the vegetables
  22. Extremely excited about sweet potato
  23. There's a kind of skinny pig (bald one) called a werepig which grows a short, fuzzy layer of fur so they look like a werewolf version of the skinny pig (it's true look it up)
  24. Teeny tiny mouth with droopy bottom lip makes them look like a soft toy from the 80s
  25. We cry when we put shampoo in our eyes, guinea pigs literally cry their own shampoo, because they're hardcore like that
  26. Very good with knowing what the time is (if dinner is at 3pm then by god will they be yelling at 2:59pm
  27. Enjoy watching television (mainly Gardeners World and Midsummer Murders
  28. Get very angry at bugs
  29. Will do tricks for food
  30. Would die for coriander
  31. Don't judge you
  32. Actually, scratch that, will judge you, will judge you hard. But it's cute
  33. Little snooty faces
  34. Stretch their tiny arms out in front of them while yawning
  35. Sometime forget to pull legs back in afterwards, look like superman
  36. Nibble your hand to see if it's food
  37. Will guilt-trip your mother into going into the backgarden in her pajamas to get them grass
  38. Lounge like pros
  39. When they lie down they look like they're made of melted butter
  40. Can use their own double chin as a cushion
  41. Think they can intimidate you
  42. Get very emotional about food
  43. Very confused
  44. Think they are lions
  45. So round that sometimes when they try to scratch their side with their back foot they can lose their balance and roll over onto their back
  46. If you hold them facing outwards and then walk slightly too fast they will put their little hands out because they think you are going to crash into a wall
  47. Sleep a lot
  48. Eat 4-5 meals a day
  49. Sometimes you will look at them and cry because they are so cute
  50. Are living potatoes

Various GIFs

Guinea Pig Blink 1 | Guinea Pig Blink 2 | Cavy Facing Forward | Guinea Pig Walk | Guinea Pig Eats Grass | Guinea Pig Blink 3 | Guinea Pig Eats Lettuce | Guinea Pig Paint | Cavy Nose Wiggle | Guinea Pig Waddle | Guinea Pig Skiing | Guinea Pig Hop Along | So Many Guinea Pigs | Guinea Pig Bathing


Some guinea pig themed youtube videos! I watched some of these when I first used the internet, so they hold a special place in my heart, like guinea pigs do!

To The Guineamobile! | To The Guineacycle! | To The Guineacopter! | Guineamobile: Behind The Scenes | The Guinea Pig Way | The Guinea Pig Song - Joe Pasquale | Guinea Pig Bridge at the Nagasaki Bio Park - song by Parry Gripp | Guinea Pig - Parry Gripp | Cavy Corner Guinea Sanctuary - Parry Gripp | The Guinea Pig Is In Your Mind - Parry Gripp | I Wanna Guinea Pig For Christmas - Parry Gripp | Guinea Pig Needs a Heating Pad - Parry Gripp | Guinea Pig Obtains Telekinetic Powers in "Telekinesthetics" - (Guinea Something Good Short #1) | Your Guinea Pig Pal