It's that time! I don't feel I have as much to show for these months for whatever reason, but regardless, I did get up to some stuff and I'm sharing some(or should I say most) of what I've got.>:3c

So awhile back, Caby did a group shot of all of her sonas from start to present right? I totally and almost immediately got inspired to do the same thing. My passion ended up with me going over the top on rendering this and it ended up taking several sessions and ended up being too damn THICC for a lot of places I wanted to upload this to. Was it worth it though? HELL YES

I've seen people do this thing where they draw lines on paper then color on digital? Kinda wanted to try that out myself so I did.

AYYY so I have this idea for a subsite where I ramble about dinosaurs right? No idea when it'll happen, but I wanted a mascot to play around with for it. I, then, remembered a character I created in 2012 named Ace and thought, "Hey! This guy would be perfect for this!"
So I went ahead and gave his old design a nice sprucing up!

I accidentally made this a lot more saucy of a laris than I meant to...

I've been doing a lot of character design updates and revamps in recent times(as you may be able to tell), and this character, Riley, is simply yet another one of those cases. Her design was very old,,,

I used to be a pretty active roleplayer and at one point, I roleplayed as my Transformice mouse avatar. This drawing is a redraw I did of another drawing I did like 4 or 5 years ago about a part of the roleplay where my character got possessed by Satan or something I don't really know,,,
Click here if you wanna see some Very Old Art
June was pride month right? So I thought "Hey, Aaren and Maxwell are gay. I should draw them hanging out and being cute." I thought the idea of them walking along a path, enjoying nature and eachother's company would make a nice drawing.
The great majority of the time I spent on this was spent on the background and I am proud of it goddammit!