In 2016, I began working a lot more with programs like Paint Tool SAI and Firealpaca, I finally got my first tablet(It was about goddamn time. Around this point I was starting to get frustrated drawing with a mouse.), and I started to experiment a bit more. Throughout this year, you see me attempt different methods of doing things. Some that worked, some that didn't quite hit the mark.

Felt like I should share what my humans looked like at this point. Answer is really round. Pretty sure this was another one of my taking-of-requests on Transformice, only I drew the mouse as a human this time.

This is Nasuki. Was a bit of a weeb in naming him, I know. :(:( 'Nother dragon lad. I think I've gotten across just how much I loved and still love dragons and dinosaurs at this point. He was meant to be a really powerful, but physically frail dragon with a lot of links to a criminal underground. Pretty sure I came back to Paint Tool SAI around this time?

I could've looked at any reference for any video game controller. Instead, I drew whatever that is. I'm so sorry, gamers. u_u I think this was an art trade for a friend.

Hehe beelaris. Spike tail. Stinger. Spike butt. Bees. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

The first and last bit of respect Mythos got was a light redesign. I'm so sorry. u_u HORRIBLE transparency fail here. That whole character there is see through. Not my moth by the way, belonged to LionMushrooms on DA. Pretty sure they asked people to draw their lads interacting with people's lads and I just decided to do that I guess.

I still really like how menacing this looks. Perfect for Farsight, a character just made of stink eye.

WINE AND DINE ME BEFORE YOU GIVE ME FUCK-ME EYES, HOLY SHIT. Geometric canines no bueno no bueno umumumu
I think I contributed to some random contest with a prize headshot draw back in the day. This was for the winner of whatever contest that was. I hope it was worth it.

This still looks really cute years later bite me. I just wish the legs looked a little more... attached?
Was a birthday gift for my friend-later-girlfriend at the time who I met on Transformice. We still talk now and then! :D :D

When did 15 year old me actually get good This piece of art still stands as one of the best drawings I've done from this time. How the hell did that happen? I genuinely can't tell you. Maybe it was just me being more patient then usual?
Anyway, I drew this and a couple other pieces for a trade. Yup, this is around when trading for characters with art started to happen. Pretty sure this was actually the trade where I got Riley who, if you know you know.

Definitely not not the best thing I've drawn this year(I already said which one is) but this drawing always stood out to me as a favorite. I think its because I really like how I stylized a Dilong(Yes that's the name of the species. Shut up.) to look just sort of... huggable and friendly? Anyway, this is Arrow. He's a father who wants revenge for his family's death, but is scared of getting himself killed in the process.

Somewhere in 2016, me and a friend started going back and forth about this kinda lazily done adopt I acquired from someone on DA until we ended up with a story we named "Death's Apprentice". This is the protagonist of that story idea, but as a cat because Goddamn Motherfucking Furries™.