Whoops, Not Done With Quake After All

I promise I’m still on break: “Abandoned Quake Maps” is a page on my site now! While on my recent Discord DM binge looking for stuff I’d lost, I found a ton of WIP Quake screenshots I took between 2017 and 2018, when I gave the whole thing up to be a server dad. I spent all day rounding them up, generating thumbnails, finding dates, and rambling what I remembered of them.

"Lost Kamelot" by me and Logan
“Lost Kamelot” is actually one of the few maps on the page I still have the file for, and it’s probably my favorite out of the entire page. Really nice to see it again.

Honestly, this page was kinda cathartic to make. I’ve yet to really talk about it, and it’ll come up in my year retrospectives for sure, but the fusion drive crash has honestly affected me far more than maybe it should’ve. Losing little parts of your history that you keep around, sentimental things, plus stuff you were working on…it’s caused me to rethink my entire operating procedure, really.

Working on a page like this and immortalizing a lot of that lost material to a surprising degree feels like bringing some of it back into existence. It also just took forever. I’m gonna spend the rest of the night playing something, preferably something that doesn’t involve sitting.

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