Archive for February, 2020

Strong Alcohol

Apologies to the Disco Jellyfish, by Caby

aphrodisiac: part three. Where we go from here.

Tags: aphrodisiac,

The Final Hours of VDU

VDU's 404 page

The beast has been laid to rest at long last. I’m glad it happened and I’m glad it’s gone.

Tags: Natural One, Valve Developer Union, Web Design,

Yellow Bug/Postage Stamps

Not one, but TWO mtlx songs uncovered!

Tags: mtlx,

It’s Free Real Estate

[Ashens voice] BLOODY SPAM.

Tags: Valve Developer Union, Web Design,

Buzz Buzz

I am apparently better than 199 out of every 200 coders, despite not coding.

Tags: Coding,

Big Empty

VDU’s guides are all ported over. Just the tools left. And some feelings, I suppose.

Tags: Natural One, Valve Developer Union, Web Design,

“They’re Special…and You Need to Respect That”

RouteNote earning graph

Minor addendum to yesterday’s post, explaining a fuckup on RouteNote’s part that made me a cool $550 in the process.

Tags: aphrodisiac,


My master copy of the Various Murky Basements CD-R

aphrodisiac: part two. The rise.

Tags: aphrodisiac,

So Much For the Lightshow

Thanks to a surprise email from a Misery Inspires reader, I now have a copy of the completely unheard early demo of Silversun Pickups’ “Little Lover’s So Polite”. What a FIND.


Answers and Questions

VDU header

The gradual march towards VDU’s final rest continues.

Tags: Valve Developer Union, Web Design,

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