GHE:360 Releasing Soon!

The new GHE:360 splash screen


Tags: Rhythm Games,

Amplitude Soundtrack Rip Posted!

My cover art for my Amplitude rip

It’s super sprode.

Tags: Rhythm Games,

I Want to Be Synthesized

Amplitude's Soundtrack mode

And no headache-inducing visuals to go along with it!

Tags: Ancient Technology,

Boxset, Update #4: Changing My Name and Cutting My Hair

Potential disc two cover for Sound of Dentage

Or changing its name and cutting the clutter, perhaps.

Tags: Nirvana, Sound of Dentage,

Boxset, Update #3: Oh God Fucking Stop Me I’m Downloading More Shit

Downloading another 4GB of Nirvana garbage

I never quite know when to quit, do I?

Tags: Nirvana, Sound of Dentage,

Boxset, Update #2: The Running Order Crystallizes

The second disc is pretty solid now. Here’s what I’m including on it and why, most likely.

Tags: Nirvana, Sound of Dentage,

Boxset, Update #1: The SHNdig

A partial early running order of Sunbeams

Old music formats and a LOT of critical listening and comparing thusfar.

Tags: Ancient Technology, Nirvana, Sound of Dentage,

Building a Better Boxset

My sources for Sunbeams Are Not Made Like Me

Yeah, this is gonna be a long, heavy, geeky one.

Tags: Nirvana, Sound of Dentage,

Monthly Mixtape: March 2021

Dinosaur Jr's You're Living All Over Me

A return right before the end of the month!


There’s a Cammy Perching Right Offscreen

A GH2 crash I've yet to be able to trace

And he’s bitter and cursing Harmonix games.

Tags: marfGH, Rhythm Games,

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