Rediscovering: Nirvana’s From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah

Nirvana's From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah

An album so animated, it exhausted me just listening to it! …But in a good way.

Tags: My Music Collection, Nirvana,

Rediscovering: The Fold Compilation

The Fold Compilation

More early 2000s indie rock abandon, or abandoned early 2000s indie rock, depending on how you slice it.

Tags: My Music Collection,

You Say Goodbye, I Say (Rambling About Sayonara)

Midwestern Dirt's Sayonara

Yes, that Midwestern Dirt album is finally out and I can talk about it!

Tags: Midwestern Dirt, My Music Collection,

No Gonzo Left Behind

Just under 4,000 words and seven chapters in a week. Pennyverse has returned.

Tags: Pennyverse,

Uploading Uncompressed Audio to YouTube

With this one weird trick!

Tags: My Music Collection, Tech Tips,

Dissident, Part Two

Keeping the momentum going. Remember that Gonzo story from a while back? I got a new place to take it. Here’s a snippet from my writing session last night.

Tags: Pennyverse,


Useful Music

Ambition is mine, and it’s heavy as lead.

Tags: My Music Collection, Pinede,

320kbps (and Other Lossy Audio Voodoo)

I’m basically convinced no one on the internet understands how lossy audio works.


The Desperate, Bottomless Pit of Nirvana Fan Albums

Increasingly absurd fan-made Nirvana albums

Abandon hope. They’re hopped up on cope.

Tags: My Music Collection, Nirvana,

Rediscovering: The Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Fever to Tell

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "Fever to Tell"

Wait, there was a song in there?

Tags: My Music Collection,

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