The year is 2017. Minecraft had
(has) somehow yet to get old. I'd been playing way too much of a
childhood favorite modpack, Tekkit Lite, and found appeal in its
lightweight-yet-polished structure. With a desire to put together a
modpack like it, inspired by a world made with a long former friend, out came
Updates were regular. Mods were
tried and put through
their paces and fastidiously tied together with custom configs and lots
of care. It felt less like a modpack and more like an expansion pack.
And it all culminated in a 2.0
launch that saw the modpack abandoned shortly thereafter. That
"friendship" had claimed another victim.
But then, something funny
happened. Love. Another girl came in,
fresh from picking veggies in the garden, and saw it pleasing. Not only
had Pinède found a new lease on life, but the world
that'd spring from our imaginations would replace the initial
inspiration for Pinède itself. Version 2.2 would have a chance
at the light of day once more.
Pinède was inspired by my interest in putting together a
modpack to accompany Calelira, which was a longtime former writing
project of mine. Calelira was a fantasy world set roughly during the
Age of Sail, and given that Minecraft
already has that fantasy vibe in its swords, enchantments, and
dungeons, it only made sense.
I'm not a fan of a lot of modpacks, as
they tend to have a certain haphazard quality to them. The mods never
quite fit together, the themes of the added mods are all over the
place, they never integrate together, there's always too many of
them—it always feels more like someone's favorite mods than a coherent
pack meant to work together.
That's where Tekkit Lite comes into play. Tekkit Lite has 47 mods in
total in it. Two of those are really big mods that overhaul how you
work in the game, IndustrialCraft 2 and BuildCraft. Then you have
smaller mods that each put their own spin on how you build. These are
your MineFactory Reloadeds, your Thermal Expansions, and your
ComputerCrafts. Finally, you had the much smaller mods that performed
one or two functions each, often gluing together two existing mods and
making everything feel properly integrated. OmniTools is the ideal modpack mod, because it means
you're not jugging four different wrenches for four different mods. You
merely have the one that performs all functions.
To date, it's still about the only modpack I even bother to play.
(Other than Pinède, of course.)
Caerpinwyd (or, Calelira
Mod list
World Generation
- Biomes
- Adds a variety of realistic and mystical biomes that can be
enabled on world generation.
- Old
World Gen
- Perfectly replicates the world generation of Minecraft
Indev, Infdev, pre-1.2.0 Alpha, post-1.2.0 Alpha, and Beta. Enabled on
world generation.
- Pam's
- Adds a large variety of fruits, veggies, and crafting recipes for
making all sorts of new foods.
- Recurrent
- Generates strange new structures all across the Overworld.
- Roguelike
- Generates sprawling, detailed, incredibly-difficult-to-clear
dungeons like a roguelike would have.
- Silent's
- Adds several new gem types to the ore rotation, which can be used
in crafting tools, armour, and special items.
- The
Spice of Life
- Normally reduces the amount of hunger you get from eating the
same food over and over to incentivize rotating your food supply, but I
disabled this so I could just have the lunchboxes.
- BiblioCraft
- Enables the crafting of various types of utility furniture,
including desks and bookshelves.
- BiblioCraft:
BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition
- Connects Biomes O'Plenty with BiblioCraft so that mod's woods can
be used in furniture crafting.
- Ender
- Augments Ender Chests with color-coded Ender Chests and portable
Ender Bags for storage on-the-go.
- Extra
- A whole lot of painted and dyed blocks, in case you needed
properly blue stone.
- Iron
- Adds chests of metals and ores, which are more spacious and can
be placed more compactly.
- Jabba
- Just Another Better Barrel Attempt. Adds barrels, which can store
massive quantities of one block or item.
- Storage
- Adds a visual complement to chests, the drawer, for storing large
quantities of one block or item per slot.
- Storage
Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack
- Connects Biomes O'Plenty with Storage Drawers so that mod's woods
can be used in drawer crafting.
- Adventurer's
- Craftable pendants, belts, and rings to augment your character.
- Balkon's
Weapon Mod
- Adds guns. Guns and knives and bows. It's kinda metal.
- Botania
- An entire rabbit hole that starts with strange, glowing flowers
and petals growing around the Overworld...
- Nature's
- Adds a variant of the compass used for finding biomes.
- Potion
- Potion ore blocks, for when you need Regeneration underground
- ProjectE
- A complete reimplementation of one of my all-time favorite mods,
Equivalent Exchange 2, which enables turning dirt into diamonds and
other such madness.
- Waystones
- Beacons you can craft and teleport to for easy movement between
your bases, towns, and outposts.
- Wolf
Armor and Storage
- Lets you craft armour for your pet wolves and turn them into
packmules at the same time.
- ChickenChunks
- Adds a single, craftable block you can use to keep chunks loaded
from far away or on a server.
- CustomLanPort
- Enables opening to LAN on any port you fancy to aid in port
- Inventory
- Adds quick inventory sorting.
- NotEnoughItems
- The big one, adds in-game crafting recipe guides.
- Optifine
- Massively speeds up and optimizes Minecraft's
renderer. I'm apparently not supposed to add this one to modpacks, but
I can't give a fuck.
- Rei's
- Adds an ultra-customizable minimap with waypoint markers.
- YetAnotherBackupMod
- Used to copy the world at specified intervals for safekeeping.
Added after losing a month-long build to a power failure.
Core Mods
- AppleCore
- Needed for The Spice of Life.
- Baubles
- Needed for Adventurer's Amulets and Botania.
- CodeChickenLib/CodeChickenCore
- Needed for ChickenChunks.
- Enchiridion
- Needed for Adventurer's Amulets.
- IvToolkit
- Needed for Recurrent Complex.
- Needed for NotEnoughItems.

This page last updated February 2, 2021.
Y'know, ideally, Pinède would have its own game.
What it would look like depends on my mood and the lunar cycle, but
yeah, Pinède game would be sick.