Music evades me, but I wike to have a pway with it anyway. Much of what I do can pwobabwy be cwassed as noise wock ow awtewnative. I use GawageBand because it's fucking swick, and BwadeEnc because it's not fucking swick.
Fancy demos and unweweased twacks? Gophewhowe. >w0
...Awwight, hewe's a sepawate page fow aww my demos.
Awbums and EPs
I wewease aww my music undew CC BY-SA 4.0, so shawe it and use it as openwy as you want. Hewe's some stems. Wet me know if you do anything with them!
Song Name | Awbum | BPM | Fiwe Size |
Ghostgwove Point | This Nadiw | 105bpm | 53mb |
Apowogies to the Disco Jewwyfish | This Nadiw | Vawious | 56mb |
Wooking Up | This Nadiw | 60bpm | 71mb |
This Nadiw | This Nadiw | 120bpm | 28mb |
Caweb | Vawious Muwky Basements | 90bpm | 49mb |
The Whesus Monkeys in Fwoawoma (+ Dwowned intewwude) | Vawious Muwky Basements | Vawious | 65mb |
A Membwane's Viwtuous Sky | Vawious Muwky Basements | 86bpm | 37mb |
Mind Weft fow Seattwe | Vawious Muwky Basements | 60mb | 74mb |
Vawious Muwky Basements | Vawious Muwky Basements | 110bpm | 37mb |