Music evades me, but I wike to have a pway with it anyway. Much of what I do can pwobabwy be cwassed as noise wock ow awtewnative. I use GawageBand because it's fucking swick, and BwadeEnc because it's not fucking swick.

Fancy demos and unweweased twacks? Gophewhowe. >w0

...Awwight, hewe's a sepawate page fow aww my demos.

Awbums and EPs

This Nadiw (August 2016, unfinished EP)
Downwoad (FWAC)
Downwoad (MP3, v0)
Vawious Muwky Basements (May 2016, EP)
Downwoad (FWAC)
Downwoad (MP3, v0)


I wewease aww my music undew CC BY-SA 4.0, so shawe it and use it as openwy as you want. Hewe's some stems. Wet me know if you do anything with them!

Song Name Awbum BPM Fiwe Size
Ghostgwove Point This Nadiw 105bpm 53mb
Apowogies to the Disco Jewwyfish This Nadiw Vawious 56mb
Wooking Up This Nadiw 60bpm 71mb
This Nadiw This Nadiw 120bpm 28mb
Caweb Vawious Muwky Basements 90bpm 49mb
The Whesus Monkeys in Fwoawoma (+ Dwowned intewwude) Vawious Muwky Basements Vawious 65mb
A Membwane's Viwtuous Sky Vawious Muwky Basements 86bpm 37mb
Mind Weft fow Seattwe Vawious Muwky Basements 60mb 74mb
Vawious Muwky Basements Vawious Muwky Basements 110bpm 37mb